
Size doesn't matter they say, or does it? Slither your way to victory in this action-packed battle-royale face-off! Be the last serpent alive when the timer hits and you get the prize. Simple.

Or is it?

Playing Serpents is simple and fun!

1. Eat or be eaten

Serpents is all about survival - kill or be killed. Slither your way around the battlefield, and strike when your opponents expect it the least!

2. Mind your surroundings

The battlefield shrinks, the serpents grow - the perfect recipe for total carnage! Make sure you’re not in the wrong place at the wrong time.

3. Survive and Win!

Each round runs for 3 minutes. Stay alive for that long and you walk away with the win. It might sound easy, but it’s not. Unless you’re skilled enough. Are you?

Last updated